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Just a House or a Home ?

We all want to find our happiness and doesn’t where we live have a big impact on that? The quote ‘A house is made of walls and beams, but a home is made of love and dreams’ truly speaks to us all. It shouldn’t matter where you live; what matters is how happy you are wherever you may be.

Sometimes, in the societies where we live there are ideals that are pushed on us that focus on materialism and just wanting more and more. Does this really make us happy? Do you remember everything that you received for your birthday last year or on a holiday? Chances are there may be just one or two gifts that you do recall meanwhile there were several others that didn’t really mean that much to you. We all are guilty of this at least at one point in our life. We think that more is better and that it is never enough. We all need to appreciate what we already have and think about what we truly may need.

That goes hand in hand with where we live. Just because a person has a giant house, doesn’t mean that everything else in their life is going well or that they’re happy. Maybe, they have unstable relationships or that they are living way above their means. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Just remember, wherever you may live, make sure you are happy, comfortable with those around you and enjoying each other's company. At the end of the day, it is the memories and our happiness that counts; not how many things that we have.

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