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Just Breathe & Realize All of Your Blessings

Take a deep breath. Look around you and take a moment to truly be in the present. Gather your blessings and for everything you are grateful for.

Taking deep breaths naturally calms us and fills us with fresh oxygen in order to think more clearly and feel better. Learning to breathe fully is a huge part of meditation as well. As you take a few breaths, observe everything around you at that moment. Take note at where you are sitting or standing, how many objects are in your presence, your body and everything about it, your ability to see everything around you and even your ability to breathe by yourself. Our society at times tricks us into believing that the only way to be happy is by having the newest toys, the most advanced tech or the biggest house. It’s wonderful to set yourself goals, if you want to attain some of these things, but be grateful for what you have at the moment.

There are ENDLESS things that we have to be grateful for and we should not take any of it for granted. We all have so, so much.

Try taking a moment, breathing in a few times and realizing how much you have to be grateful for. This will be the start of your new mindful, appreciative and blessed life.


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