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Our Home...Our Only Home


Free will. Opportunity. The ability to make decisions. These are major qualities of being a human being. We are the only species that has the ability to decide what we want to do in our lives and how we go about it. What an amazing thing!

But...every single decision that we make has an impact on every other living organism on this planet. We have to take responsibility because we are the only ones that can make a difference. We need to take care of our home for all living creatures. Remember, it is the only home that we have and we do not have a backup.

During the present quarantine due to Covid-19, humans have seen incredible changes and occurrences in such little time. Pollution levels decreasing all over the world; China being able to see blue skies; animals roaming through cities; and even swans seen in Venice canals! When humans are taken out of the picture, it is nature that takes over. We need to remember that life will go on regardless of the existence of humans or not.

It is our job to live in harmony with all of nature and not destroy it as we have been doing throughout the past couple hundred of years.

I hope that we can take this opportunity as a learning point and move forward, keeping in mind that humans are not the only living beings on earth. We are here for just a short period of time so it is our duty to best respect the earth for future species; both humans and all other living creatures. They deserve to have the opportunity to enjoy earth as we did and not destroy it.

Let’s not just return back to normal life; let’s return even better than normal.


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